Volunteer Opportunities

Quilceda Community Services has a long history of volunteerism, which continues today. The agency is registered with Catholic Community Services, the Snohomish County vendor for RSVP (the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.) Though the RSVP volunteers are older, all ages of volunteers are welcomed by the agency.


Listed below are the many ways Quilceda Community Services would like to engage community volunteers:

  1. Willow Place - Volunteers assist the Activity Manager with the morning or afternoon sessions to provide 1:1 time with participants, organize materials/supplies, function as role models for attendees, socialize with clients etc.
  2. Willow Place Specialists - Community members having special skills (fitness leaders, artists, musicians, gardeners, etc.) are eagerly welcomed to provide new activities for the participants at Willow Place, while providing a new learning experience for the Activity Manager, caregivers, and other volunteers.
  3. Youth groups such as Camp Fire, Scouts, 4-H, etc might consider giving community service to the agency through special projects, gathering donations, leading a Willow Place session, grounds clean-up, etc. Should such a service be appealing, the Youth Leader should call the Business Manager.
  4. Assistance is sometimes needed with routine tasks - filing, organizing, answering the telephone, staffing the front desk, etc.
  5. Like other non-profits, the agency receives some public funds, but numerous fundraisers are held to generate revenues. During these events volunteers are needed and play a vital role in organizing and facilitating the event.
  6. Always needed are community leaders interested in serving others through service as a Board of Directors Member. The Quilceda Community Services board meets monthly as a group, with sub-committees meeting as needed.


Contact Us Today!

Residential Program

Contact Connie our Executive Director at (360)653-2324 opt. 2 



Willow Place Recreation Center

There is no charge for your first visit.  To schedule an appointment or learn more about the services we offer, please call Willow Place Manager Jayde Stewart @ Office (360)913-3989

Cell (360)865-8413


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